Tuesday 11 February 2014

the point making Allah angry & shaitan happy?

the point making Allah angry & shaitan happy?

Every day we are out & about in this world doing what we 
have to do, but did any of us think about Allah? Read fajr or Yaseen in

the morning? Have we ever wondered what we are doing wrong? No we havent,

why? Because its ok, no big deal we can make up for it some time?

No my dear respected brothers and sisters; we have to dosomething about ourselves.
Lets look at the girls of today, not all, but many of them, they go out to 
school college work or wherever: no scarf on the head, clothes so tight you
can see their whole body, dressed half naked. Now lets look at the reason.

Well its for attention, they want to be attractive, want all the guys to
look at them and think that theyre very pretty and they think theyll get very far in life like that and as I said, theyre just getting Allah angry

and shaitan happy.

Ask a sister to wear a scarf she’ll say no Im

still to young Ill wear one when Im older or when I get married,

well whats the point of wearing it then and not now? Who
knows if youll even live till tomorrow?

Now lets look at the boys, well theres to much to say Im

one my self and I know what goes on: dressed up like the kuffar, trousers

hanging below the ankles when really theyre just asking for
their ankles to be burnt in hell. Hair spiked up, beards shaved off,
flashing their jewellery.

U ask them why, oh well if I dress as a Muslim
then no one will like me, theyll say Im a Sufi I
have to look good for the girls wanna take one out for dinner tonightâ€
but in reality they are making Allah angry and shaitan more happy.

WHATS THE POINT? My dear respected brothers and sisters, I am only 19 Ive seen a lot in my life and Ive also regretted a lot, Ive been through so 

much and Ive realised its all a waste.

Today we dont wake up for fajr because weve been to busy chatting

away on the phone committing ZINAH all night. We miss all the

Salah in the day then lie to our parents saying weve prayed and
they believe us. How much do we disrespect our parents, raise our voices over them, swear at them, tell them what to do, talk behind
there backs, the list goes on. Its time we think from the bottom
of our hearts and not the hearts of our bottoms!

What is the point having girl friends and boyfriends when Allah

has chosen our life partners already? It a waste of time and money. We

take each other out, spend like were millionaires and
get dumped the next day with no money in our pocket. And even
then we do not learn and we start this game again with someone else,


WHY make Allah angry and shaitan happy, what is the point? 

Trust me think of Allah and fear Allah, wear a scarf, dress like
Muslims, dont embarrass the Muslim ummah and watch how Allah will
repay you and grant you what you wish for.

Please for the sake of Allah let us quit all the wrong things and all the girl and boy thing, lets get our

lives straight, lets read 5 times Salah and Quran, let us be responsible and
not waste ours and our parents money, lets all
stop running after the dunya like the kuffar and lets prepare for the akhira so we can build our houses in jannah instead of lighting our fire in hell.

Please understand. I am no perfect guy and this is no lecture but its just

some useful advice. For those who think its rubbish
thats up to you but Ive done my farz in telling you all.


I request all brothers and sisters to pass this on to as many people as we can and remember me in you duas wassalam

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Zajakallah Khairan